Our Projects
Regional Livestock Development and Planning
SBPC was awarded funding from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to assist in livestock development and planning.
2023-2024 Community Builder Program
In 2019, SBPC partnered with AmeriCorps to launched the Souris Basin Community Builder Program to better meet the needs of rural communities.
Economic Recovery Corps
With over 500 host applications, SBPC was selected to participate in the first Economic Recovery Corps cohort alongside 65 other host sites and fellows leading innovative projects.
New Town Chamber Strategic Plan
In 2022, SBPC worked with the New Town Chamber to develop a strategic plan to determine priorities, decide where to focus resources, and work towards common goals.
2021-2022 Community Builder Program
In 2019, SBPC partnered with AmeriCorps to launched the Souris Basin Community Builder Program to better meet the needs of rural communities.
Mountrail County JDA Capacity Building and Technical Assistance
In 2020, SBPC began providing capacity building and technical assistance to the Mountrail County Job Development Authority to assist the JDA meet its mission, goals, and strategies.
Domestic Violence Crisis Center Capacity Building
In 2020, the Domestic Violence Crisis Center (DVCC) partnered with SBPC and became a Community Builder host site.
Creative Economy Summit
The Creative Economy Summit (CES) provided a platform for diverse change leaders to collaborate and support community-driven solutions to connect arts, culture, and economic development in rural North Dakota.
Pierce County Housing Rehab
SBPC assisted with repairs, rehabilitation, and appliance upgrades from 2016 to 2021 in Pierce County communities for low-income residents in single- and multi-family units.
Mountrail County JDA Strategic Plan
In 2019, SBPC assisted the Mountrail County Job Development Authority to develop a new strategic plan to continue improving its impact on Mountrail County. A mission and vision statement were established, and goals and strategies identified.
Champions of Change
Champions of Change was a pilot study in 2019 to engage juniors and seniors attending Minot Public Schools in focus groups with their peers to learn more about what community means and how we can build community culture, through the eyes of young people.
Minot Air Force Base JLUS
In February 2014, SBPC was awarded funding assistance from the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), to conduct a Joint Land Use Study.
Burlington Strategic Development Plan
SBPC secured grant funds from the US Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) for the City of Burlington to conduct a Strategic Development Plan in 2016-2017.